1.505,00 € incl. VAT
The benefits of this Visiona product line:
All Visiona products work effectively for an unlimited period
Installation is very simple: The accessory is suitable for contact with drinking water and is used to position the Visiona K1 in the vessel containing the water to be revitalised. Installation is very simple and can be easily conducted by the customer him/herself. This simple installation method allows Visiona to be removed and installed in another chosen location whenever required.
Visiona K1 has been designed to process water at a volumetric flow rate of 3 m³ and harmonises surrounding water, air, foods and all fluids within a radius of 36m in this field.
Visiona V1 is easy to transport to make healthy, revitalised water available everywhere.
Simply place the two spheres by the liquid to be revitalised for an immediate supply of healthy and revitalised water.
Visiona stainless steel products are manufactured in Germany, and visioned and filled in Austria.
All Visiona products are maintenance-free, so there are no running costs. Simple handling means there are no installation costs.
It would be our pleasure to visit your venue to provide a non-bonding sales consultation.
Please schedule an appointment with your local sales adviser.
Das längere Stehen auf einem Boden mit Fußbodenheizung hat sich für mich durch das Einlegen der Visiona-Kugeln in den Verteilerkasten mit sofortiger Wirkung spürbar verändert.
Während eines mehrtägigen Drehs kam es dazu, dass ich mehrere Stunden auf einem Boden mit Fußbodenheizung verbracht hatte, was für meinen Körper und insbesondere meine Beine sehr anstrengend war. Nicht nur das Stehen machte meine Beine schwer und allem Anschein nach auch dick, sondern auch die Heizung schien einen Effekt auf mein körperliches Wohlbefinden zu haben. Denn so eine körperliche Müdigkeit insbesondere in den Beinen hatte mir mein Job noch nie erbracht.
Nachdem wir aus Neugierde heraus, wie sich Visiona auf diese Situation auswirken würde, in der Verteiler der Wasserschläuche gelegt hatten, war sofort spürbar, dass die nach unten ziehende Schwere in den Beinen nachließ. Das Arbeiten in diesem Raum war direkt nicht mehr so ungewöhnlich erschöpfend für die Beine.
Weingut Stoiber in Mörbisch am See is a vineyard with a rich history and we have worked together really well to achieve some wonderful results. We tested the effects of Visiona on wine, and by visioning with Visiona we did indeed find that every wine had a fuller flavour, was better balanced on the palate and easier on the stomach.
The test series was conducted by Mr. Stoiber, a passionate wine grower and connoisseur, during a blind tasting session. Mr. Stoiber immediately recognised what he adoringly referred to as the ‘repaired’ wine by its bouquet and flavour. During this test phase the wine was revitalised with Visiona for just two minutes. The tests are still underway because the immensely positive changes led Mr. Stoiber to offer to test Visiona units in his wine tanks to discover the most effective period for revitalisation.
For this purpose we supplied Visiona’s new industrial-scale product lines. They offer great functional versatility and are very easy to handle. This test procedure yielded numerous very positive and conclusive results. His visioned wine even won a wonderful gold medal. Maybe everyone’s favourite wine can be a gold medal winner with Visiona. Of course, we intend to stay actively involved and to continue to report on the amazing experiences ahead. We would like to thank Mr. Stoiber and his family for their openness and ingenuity, and we look forward to hearing about his upcoming test findings. This unspeakably delightful wine is truly heavenly and delicious thanks to Visiona.